Glymin Star

Glymin Star

Organic Trace Mineral Mixture for Poultry, Dairy and Aqua

Chelated Minerals is a way of presenting the essential trace minerals to the livestock in a form that is more readily absorbed and utilized by forming bonds with GLYCINE molecules.

Each 1 Kg contains:
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Chromium
  • Cobalt
  • Iodine
  • Helps in the activation of different enzyme systems in the metabolism of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
  • Improves Feed Conversion Ratio and carcass quality
  • Improves fertility, hatchability and egg production in layer birds
  • Reduces chick mortality rate
  • Helps to alleviate oxidative stress as well as heat stress
  • Stimulates erythropoiesis and helps in maturation of erythrocytes
  • Essential for proper sexual maturity and reproductive capacity
  • Improves growth rate
  • Improves immunity
  • Maintains performance and production
  • Optimizes FCR and maximizes productivity
  • Provides quality brood stock development
  • Better digestibility and disease resistance
  • Helps to develop immune response and defense mechanism
  • Poultry : Broiler : 400 – 500 gms per ton of feed
  • Broiler Breeder : 800 gm – 1 Kg per ton of feed
  • Layer : 400 – 500 gms per ton of feed
  • Layer Breeder : 800 gms – 1 Kg per ton of feed
  • Cattle and Buffalo : 1 kg per ton of feed
  • Calf, Sheep, Goat and Pig : 10 g per Day
  • Aqua : 1 kg per tonne of feed
  • Or As Directed by the Veterinarian